How to use it.
The instruction booklet that comes with the Teddy Talk Test contains everything you need to know, including 'How to begin', 'Golden Rules', 'Things to look out for', Ages and Stages' and 'Actions to be taken'.
It has been designed so that, once you have read and 'digested' the instruction booklet, the test is simple and easy to administer.
Preparation is key.We recommend that you have a practice run through with an adult playing the child’s role. You will find that the more you do the Teddy Talk Test, the easier it will become.
The Teddy Talk Test should always be presented in a fun and playful way, with no pressure on the child to 'perform'.
Young children can vary greatly in their ability to maintain their attention for adult directed activities. With this in mind the Teddy Talk Test has been designed so that it can be carried out in one session (10-15mins) or broken down doing one section at a time.
As you carry out the Teddy Talk Test activities with the child, their responses are recorded on the Record Form.
Once completed, this information is then used to reflect on how the child's communication skills are developing in relation to their chronological age. To make this simple and straightforward to do, the 'Ages and Stages' section breaks developmental norms down into 6 monthly age brackets, giving you information about what you should expect. This links directly with the EYFS Early Learning Goals.
The Summary sheet enables a profile of the child's skills to be created with regards to whether the child is emerging, on track or exceeding in:
play and social skills,
understanding of spoken language,
talking and communication
speech sound development.
This then informs decisions as to any actions that should be taken should the child not be on track, and provides a clear and easy way to share this information.