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Although the Teddy Talk Test instruction booklet describes how best to administer the test, practitioners who have attended Teddy Talk Test Training report increased confidence in using the test, greater appreciation for it's application in their role and a deeper understanding of the theory and evidence base that underpins the Teddy Talk Test.

  • Teddy Talk Test training is run by Highly Specialist Speech and Language Therapists who have extensive experience of working with children in their Early Years. Please see our about us page for further details. 

  •  Our online training is conducted via Zoom.

  • Our training consists of 2 parts.

    • The first provides information about the Teddy Talk Test- how it is structured, the theory behind it and practical tips about how best to use it.

    • The second part is more interactive and provides an opportunity for attendees to complete a Teddy Talk Test in real time using a video of a child completing the test. We discuss and trouble-shoot interactively giving atendees the opportunity to reflect on the application of the Teddy Talk Test in their setting.   ​

  • We currently provide Teddy Talk Test training for the 4 groups outlined below. Please scroll down to see the learning objective for each training type.  

  • Training cost= £50 per person.

We are also happy to provide tailored training. If you or your group does not fall into any of the categories above or if you would prefer to discuss your training needs in more detail, please don't hesitate to contact us.

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Training for SLT Students  

The Teddy Talk Test is a simple play based speech and language assessment that can be used with any pre-school age child and provides a life-line when final year students step off the academic stage and into Early Years clinics. The Teddy Talk Test is an easy to use tool that offers an insight into the child's current speech and language skills compared to norms for their age. Good quality assessment is key in knowing where to start with any child and we know from experience how valuable the Teddy Talk Test can be as an NQSLT.

Please contact our training coordinator by email to discuss any training requirements that you may have:

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Training for Early Years Professionals​                         

    The aims and objectives for our EYP Training are:

  1. To provide practitioners with a clear understanding of the stages of development of speech, language & communication. 

  2. To explain the theory under pinning the design of the Teddy Talk Test

  3. To show practitioners how to use the Teddy Talk Test to assess and analyse a child’s communication development.

  4. To develop practitioner’s knowledge and skills around any actions that should be taken if a child is identified as having difficulties with speech, language and communication. This may include referral to Speech and Language Therapy. 

  5. To demonstrate how the results of the Teddy Talk Test can be used as evidence and supporting information for ongoing referral and liaison with other professionals.

Training for Teachers of the Deaf​                             

  • The aims and objectives for our ToD Training are:

  1. To revisit the stages of speech and language development in the early years and how children with hearing impairment might be impacted.

  2. To demonstrate how to use the Teddy Talk Test to assess and analyse a child’s communication development. 

  3. To expore practical considerations around achieving engagement from the pre-school child whose attention and listening skills may be affected by their hearing impairment. 

  4. To explore the use of the Teddy Talk Test for children who use a combination of speech and signing. 

  5. To discuss actions that should be taken as a result of assessment findings.

  6. To discuss local provision, the steps that might need to be taken in order to make a referral to local SLT services and how the Teddy Talk Test might be used to support that referral.   



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Training for Speech and Language Therapists ​      

  • The aims and objectives for our SLT Training are:

  1. To revisit the stages of speech and language development in the early years.

  2. To demonstrate how to use the Teddy Talk Test to assess and analyse a child’s speech, language and communication development. 

  3. To explore practical considerations around achieving engagement from the pre-school child. 

  4. To discuss where to start in terms of intervention or any other actions that should be taken as a result of the assessment findings.

  5. To provide information about how the Teddy Talk Test can be used to guide other professionals that refer to your SLT service in order to improve appropriateness of referrals.

  6. To discuss how the Teddy Talk Test could be used to identify cohorts of children for allocation to given care pathways, providing improved transparency and equitability across your SLT service. 


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